Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Lost Colony of Roanoke

Stay tuned. I will keep adding information here.

The Lost Colony of Roanoke is also known as Roanoke Colony.

The Roanoke Colony was located on Roanoke Island in today's Dare County, North Carolina in the States.

Information about Dare County today :

1 http://www.co.dare.nc.us

2 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dare_County,_North_Carolina

This was an attempt by Queen Elizabeth I establish a permanent English colony in America.

Sir Humphrey Gilbert (see) was the one who originally organized and financed this venture. Then, his half-brother Sir Walter Raleigh took over the charter from the queen. Raleigh then assigned Sir Richard Grenville (his distant cousin) and Ralph Lane as his delegates.

The Roanoke Colony was founded by Sir Walter Raleigh or Ralegh.



  1. I think you need to share more about Ronoake County instead of link or both

  2. Good day. I will most certainly be writing a great deal about the Roanoke Colony. No worries. The links are to help you research it on your own until then, and are also to help you see it so when I do add more here, it will be a great deal more real to you. Does that make sense?

    As I said in the very top righthand corner of this blog, it is a work in progress. Everything mentioned here is only a partial of what I am will share over time. Unfortunately, I am limited with time and am trying to get the major facts written down first. Then, I will share more.

    Does this make sense?

    This is a work in progress. Stay tuned. It will take me years, decades even, to do the extensive work it will require to include as much information as I can. So, keep checking back. You never know when I might add information or to which post.

    Have a blessed day.
